The function creates an object of class `CapSet`, used for the TSS analysis. A CapSet object can be created using the the raw, multiplxed fastq files along with the list of sample indexes and corresponding sample names. In case the files are already de-multiplexed or mapped, the CapSet object can also be created using the path to demultiplexed fastq/mapped or filtered BAM files, along with corresponding sample names. In these cases statistics and operations for the missing files would not be possible.
CapSet object
newCapSet(expMethod, fastq_R1 = NULL, fastq_R2 = NULL, idxList = NULL, sampleNames, demult_R1 = NA, demult_R2 = NA, mapped_file = NA, filtered_file = NA, paired_end = TRUE)
expMethod | experiment method ('CAGE', 'RAMPAGE' or 'MAPCap') |
fastq_R1 | path for Read R1 (or file path for single end reads) |
fastq_R2 | path for Read R2 (for paired end reads) |
idxList | a vector of index sequences (for demultiplexing) |
sampleNames | (required) a vector of sample names corresponding to the provided files |
demult_R1 | a vector of file paths for demultiplexed R1 reads |
demult_R2 | a vector of file paths for demultiplexed R2 reads |
mapped_file | a vector of file paths for mapped BAM files. |
filtered_file | a vector of file paths for de-duplicated BAM files. |
paired_end | logical, indiciting whether the data is paired end |
An object of class CapSet
Type of fastq ('single' or 'paired')
Path to R1 fastq
Path to R1 fastq (for paired-end data)
Name of protocol (RAMPGE or MAPCap)
A DataFrame object created using information from
A GRangesList object of detected TSS
# list of barcode IDs idxlist <- c("CAAGTG", "TTAGCC", "GTGGAA", "TGTGAG") dir <- system.file("extdata", package="icetea") # corresponding sample names fnames <- c("embryo1", "embryo2", "embryo3", "embryo4") ## CapSet object from raw (multiplexed) fastq files cs <- newCapSet(expMethod = 'MAPCap', fastq_R1 = file.path(dir, 'mapcap_test_R1.fastq.gz'), fastq_R2 = file.path(dir, 'mapcap_test_R2.fastq.gz'), idxList = idxlist, sampleNames = fnames)#> Error in if (!(exp %in% c("CAGE", "RAMPAGE", "MAPCap"))) { msg <- paste0("Experiment type should be among : 'CAGE', 'RAMPAGE' or 'MAPCap' ") errors <- c(errors, msg)}: argument is of length zero## CapSet object from mapped BAM files bams <- list.files(file.path(dir, 'bam'), pattern = '.bam$', full.names = TRUE) cs <- newCapSet(expMethod = 'MAPCap', mapped_file = bams, sampleNames = fnames)#>#> Error in if (!(exp %in% c("CAGE", "RAMPAGE", "MAPCap"))) { msg <- paste0("Experiment type should be among : 'CAGE', 'RAMPAGE' or 'MAPCap' ") errors <- c(errors, msg)}: argument is of length zero