Demultiplex and tag fastq files using sample barcodes

demultiplexFASTQ(CSobject, outdir, max_mismatch = 0, ncores = 1)

# S4 method for CapSet
demultiplexFASTQ(CSobject, outdir, max_mismatch = 0,
  ncores = 1)



CapSet object created using newCapSet function


character. path to output directory


integer. maximum allowed mismatches in the sample barcode


integrer. No. of cores/threads to use


de-multiplxed fastq files corresponding to each barcode. The files are written on disk with the corresponding sample names as specified in the CapSet object


# load a previously saved CapSet object cs <- exampleCSobject()
#> Checking de-multiplexed R1 reads
#> Checking de-multiplexed R2 reads
#> Checking mapped file
#> Checking de-duplicated file
# demultiplex allowing one mismatch in sample indexes dir.create("demult_fastq")
#> Warning: 'demult_fastq' already exists
cs <- demultiplexFASTQ(cs, outdir = "demult_fastq", max_mismatch = 1)
#> de-multiplexing the FASTQ file
#> Warning: Output files already exist! Overwriting..
#> Warning: Output files already exist! Overwriting..
#> Warning: Output files already exist! Overwriting..
#> Warning: Output files already exist! Overwriting..