
Galaxy HiCExplorer

Galaxy HiCExplorer article to be published in NAR Are you a biologist looking for an easy way to understand and perform HiC data analsis? Galaxy HiCExplorer is the solution! It’s a user-freiendly galaxy webserver that utilizes HiCExplorer along with multiple other tools dor analysis of HiC data. The project was performed in collaboration with the galaxy team (Joachim Wolff and Bjoern Gruening) at University of Freiburg. Galaxy HiCExplorer has been accepted for publication in the next NAR webserver issue (July 2018) and is already available to use here.

HiCExplorer article now published

HiCExplorer article comes online in nature communications Our article on DNA sequence behind Drosophila (Fly) genome architecture is now published in Nature Communications. The preprint has already been available on biorXiv since march 2017. In this article, we introduce HiCExplorer: An easy to use tool for HiC data analysis, also available in galaxy. We also introduce HiCBrowser : A standalone software to visualize HiC along with other genomic datasets. Based on HiCExplorer and HiCBrowser, we built a useful resource for anyone to browse and download the chromosome conformation datasets in Human, Mouse and Flies.

A Hugo website

A website created using Hugo and R markdown This is a website created using Hugo and R markdown. I have recently moved to using blogdown for creating my personal website. I had been using Jykell before, and have been trying to use Rmd to write posts with my Jykell website. Hugo is much simpler, and blogdown does a nice job, allowing me to eaisily create a hugo website and create blog posts using Rmd.